Sunday, 4 March 2012

Worst Night Ever ♥

All week I have been excited for a well deserved

Night Out ♥

I would have plenty of pictures too show you & belive me I took loads but i'll get onto that in a minute!
So yh I spent the day doing a bit of shopping in Manchester with my friend Makitta & waited till Piff had finished work! I met Piff - was her last day of the worst job ever :(!!

Anyway after picking up Piff's stuff, having some food & picking up ste we started to get ready having a drink! For the first time ever

My hair was PERFECT
♥ Make-up was PERFECT
My Tan was PERFECT
♥ I got to wear my beautiful new dress

ok so, so far so good! We went to Cheers for a drink & headed to town!

We started off in BarRouge had some shots, had some drinks then I went to my husband Danny
We spent a couple of hours dancing, taking photos (really good photos I wish I still had :(..... )
I then met my friend Lewis & his brother Sam & headed back to carry on dancing!

(By this time I was pretty wasted)

I met my friend Aaron outside to say hi....
Then decided to move onto the village, ended up getting kicked out of Crunch because Ste accidently headbutted some girl because we were play fighting!
After way more dancing we decided to head to AXM to meet Aaron again!

In a very good mood skipping & holding hands with Danny we got to AXM & waited in line to get in!
After about 10minutes

& this is where it gets bad!!

My friend Piff picked up my ID off the floor & thats when I realised my phone was missing! Asking all my friends and checking everywhere I realised someone had stolen my baby :(
After going mad at everyone I burst into tears & headed through town crying my eyes out & hitting everything! I threw my bag & what items I had left into the road & stormed off!

A drunk Jamaican Hobo then tried getting onto me calling me sexy & wouldn't leave me alone! & i'll admit I got angry & abusive towards the guy! It was then that we realised we had lost Danny & spent half an hour looking for him! Got in the taxi home, called the police & blocked my phone!

Realising I have no insurence on my phone I can not got a replacement unless I spend about 500 :/

Basically, i'm lost without my phone & I feel like my privacy has been violated! & I loved the photos that were taken last night & i'm gutted I will never see them!

Whatever low life scum has my phone can no longer do anything with the phone except play my games that don't require internet access! I had alot of private info on that phone & actually physically heartbroken!

I now have to take a new contract out just to be able to afford a new phone & pay monthly for 2 contracts!

So yeh not exactly my year so far!
Wish some luck would come my way :(

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